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You are never too old to start piano lessons. Some of our students begin piano lessons at 4 years old, if they have the ability to focus and sit on a piano bench for close to 30 minutes. However, more and more adults are coming in for lessons. The adults are realizing that playing piano helps their brain function and keeps them young! Playing the piano is also a way to help them relax and enjoy some soothing sounds.

Breaking News! The Force is with us! We have a LOT of Star Wars music right now. We have Star Wars piano music for Easy thru Advanced Levels, Star Wars Music for Violins and Star Wars Music for Recorders. The Star Wars Music for Recorders includes a Red recorder with the music book! These will make cool gifts for Christmas. We also have Arpeggio Gift Cards available.

Come in and get a musical gift for Christmas!

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Perfect Practice Technique Demonstration

We all have busy schedules, so it is important to get the most out of your practice time. When you have a new tricky part to master in your music, you need to keep your eyes on the music as much as possible and play the tricky part slowly, 5 times correctly, or as I like to say it, “5 times right!” Next you should back up a measure and play through the tricky part 5 times correctly. After that, back up several measures and play through the part 5 times correctly. You may have to do this sequence for several days, but it is an effective way to master a difficult part. Watch the demonstration below and you will see…

FYI Mike and I have a shelter dog named Rosco. Rosco is part dachshund and Schipperke. Here is a picture of Mike reading Rosco’s favorite book, which you can find at our studio. The book is called “Splat the Cat”.

Rosco and MIke Reading picture

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New Videos to Teach Letter Names on the Music Staves

The Blog of Arpeggio Music Academy in San Antonio, Music Staves

Arpeggio Music Academy

Hey Folks!

I wanted to share something with you that is a great new way to help your students learn the letter names of the treble and bass staves. A clever music teacher named Jennette Young changed the lyrics to 2 popular songs and I think this will help the students to remember the letters even better! I recommend you share this with all of your students.

Here’s the treble clef video. Enjoy!

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Music LessonsSmall icon of Arpeggio Music Academy, 1604 San Antonio TXAnd Supplies
    • Location

      24123 Boerne Stage Rd., #202
      San Antonio, TX 78255, USA
      (210) 362-1058

      Mon – Thurs: We Currently Offer Lessons by Appointment Only

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